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Email Sign Up Form

Hi, currently I'm using the default Swell Sign Up form in the storefront. I also enabled Klaviyo integration and created an automation flow on their platfrom so when people signed up, it should automatically send a "welcome" email.

However, I tested the sign up form. but it doesn't send an automated email. I wonder if this Swell sign up form is connected with the integration at all?


  • Logesh_Dinakaran
    edited November 2022

    @Danny Leung Before getting into your question, did you get a chance to explore the Swell native support of sending welcome email for new signups?

    You can find more information by navigating to Settings -> Notifications and click Customer welcome under Customers section.

  • Hi Logesh, thanks for your reply.

    I noticed the Customer Welcome notification function. However it says "Sent automatically when a customer first creates an account". But it doesn't include or work with the native email sign up form if i'm correct? I'm talking about newsletter / contact opt-in sign up here, not account sign up .

    It's very common that customers sign up the newsletters in order to get a discount code for their first order. When they sign up, shops will automatically send a welcome email with a discount code. This is a marketing strategy a lot of shops are using. But people don't usually create an account out of the blue if they are not buying stuff. So a welcome notification plus a discount code to entice people to make their first purchase when they subscribe the newsletter is essential for long-term marketing strategy.

    A lot of email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Klaviyo offers automation like that. But they require us to install snippet code on the website. it now refers to another issue I've experienced that Swell's Global Script function does't work with any of the codes those platforms provide at all. I don't understand what Global Script is actually doing though.

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