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Google Shopping Feed


Is there an integration planned for Google Merchant Center. If not, what is the best practice for creating a Google Shopping Feed?



  • Hi @JMS,

    Are you talking about https://merchants.google.com/?

    If so, we don't have an integration planned with that service so far.

    One possible way to get it working is to export your products from Swell, add the fields you need and upload that list to your merchants' accounts.

    Gonzalo | Technical Account Manager @ Swell

  • Thanks Gonzalo,

    We looked into this further and it shouldn't be that complicated of an integration.


  • Hi John (@JMS),

    I have moved this to our team so they can evaluate integrating Google Merchants into Swell's platform.


  • In fact, a Google Shopping feed is an absolute must and should be a top priority. Google shopping increases the merchant's sales and thus also Swell's commissions. By the way, this could also apply to marketplace connections, which are unfortunately still missing as well. At least an Instagram and Amazon connection would be very desirable.

  • Is there any news about this? I agree with Uli Binder, it would be extremely important to have it.

  • Well, I also totally agree with the above users. Google product listings could potentially drive sales a lot and Swell do really need to make it as priority to develop a seamless integration with Google Merchant Center etc. Or at least the product export list from Swell is compatible with the Google schedule because currently it's not...

  • Marcin Chmiel
    edited November 2022

    Seeing how much traffic it drives for our shop, I agree, this is a must-have.

    We bumped into the same issue while developing our store and decided to build a custom integration that does it for us (easily our best investment).

    If you're interested drop me a line at [email protected]

  • Hi everyone,

    I thought I'd post an update on the above :)

    We've just published the web UI for our integration which now allows anyone to easily create a Google Shopping Feed based on the products in the Swell Store.

    If you'd like to run Google Ads for your store have a look at swelltoolkit.com.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

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