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Bug: Unable to upload pdf using data key.

 var pdf = fs.readFileSync("/Users/yyy/Downloads/xxx.pdf, { encoding: "base64" });
var r = await swell.put('/accounts/xxxx', {
    content : {
      proof_of_business: {
        file : {
          content_type: "application/pdf",
          filename: "some file.pdf",
            data: { 
              $binary: pdf, 
              $type: "00" 

This does not work. Error

Error: Object fields contain "$" or "." and are not valid for storage. (cmd: "update", query: {"query":{"_id”:”xxx”},”update":{"$set":{"content":{"proof_of_business":{"id”:”xxx”,”length":31,"date_uploaded":"2022-06-22T06:16:47.588Z","content_type":"binary/octet-stream","md5”:”yyy”,”url":"https://cdn.schema.io/yyy”,”file":{"content_type":"application/pdf","filename":"some file.pdf","url":"file:////Users/yyy/Downloads/xxx”.pdf,”data":{"$binary":"JVBERi0xLjMKJeLjz9….


  • Addendum:

    Upon upload, the field looks like the following in Swell entity

    If one tries to download and open it, it appears as

  • Hi @Onwo

    I think the $binary field should have as a value the pdf content transformed to base64, like this:


    content_type: 'application/pdf',

    filename: 'some-file.pdf',

    data: {

    '$binary': based64_pdf_content



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